We have all heard of chakras and energy flow, but how does it affect you on a personal level? What has it got to do with you? What are the consequences of them being out of sync? Why should you balance them?
Well, according to ancient wisdom each chakra is a vital energy center and linked to certain personal, physical, mental and emotional attributes and gifts if in balance. This logically concludes that there are possible limitations on all of these levels if they are out of sync. I will illustrate the implications by using the third (solar plexus) chakra:
Also called Manipura, it is the seat of our expression of personal power, willpower, self-discipline and self-esteem. Within this energy center resides our relationship with the world around us, how and where we see ourselves fit in.
Balanced, this chakra empowers us to be warm, honor emotions, set healthy boundaries and be assertive yet considerate towards others.
Unbalanced, it can lead us to low self-esteem, fear of rejection, aggressiveness, stress, feeling like a victim, hot temper and many more associated behaviors and feelings.
It teaches us that we can choose how to use our personal power and are in total control of our lives... whichever way we choose it.
Once all of the chakras are re-balanced, energy can flow more freely and leaves you feeling more at ease and centered within yourself.
On the same token you need to understand that your physical body, your mind and your emotions are all interlinked, they all affect each other. When you run a marathon you are emotionally and mentally exhausted as well, when you have worked or studied hard for a prolonged period your physical body is tired and you feel less emotionally controlled, when you go through some emotional strain you cannot think straight or least feel like running that marathon. This is because whatever you are focusing on at the moment takes energy off the remaining levels you are functioning in. Bringing you back into balance, emotionally, physically and mentally will re-align your energy distribution and re-establish the natural equilibrium.