living your best life

Hugging the world one person at a time...

Martina Winnemoeller1 Comment

Today I read an article that promotes hugging and I loved it!! I love hugging... my family, my friends and even total strangers if the impulse feels natural and mutual.

I remember a time where giving or receiving a hug was not really an option or at the least made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Well, that was most probably a time when I needed them most and looking back I realized that it was a time during which I often felt lonely.

Giving or receiving a hug includes. It shows that you care and love. It is a gesture of giving, receiving and sharing on a very basic level. It calms, it comforts and is the one gesture of a thousand words and feelings that, when spoken, eludes you or just cannot express what needs to be said or heard.

The article mentioned that a 20 second hug has been scientifically proven to lessen anxiety. I know for a fact that it breaks down barriers and opens your heart to feel and express what you thought you needed to suppress. It helps you letting go in the most compassionate fashion.

The most amazing effect of a hug is that initially it is great... the longer however you hug someone you are not used to holding for more than three seconds will or might elicit a moment of feeling uncomfortable and then.... yes, then the barriers of being separate break down and you connect with that person, feel one with them and feel the love between you. One human being to another and in this feeling of oneness also toward yourself.

Believe me, I know about personal space. It is extremely awkward when it is invaded by someone you did not invite in, yet surprisingly bonding when the feeling of consent is mutual or natural. I am not talking about romantic love here although the same applies of course. It seems that to truly bond or re-connect with someone we need to allow this closeness of physical, and more than that of mental and emotional space. This space or lack of it can be allowed in physical proximity, but also over physical distance and crossing continents. Whilst I now love giving and receiving hugs I also give them virtual, I imagine hugging the friend in my mind and I tell you.. the feeling of oneness comes flooding in just the same.

Go out today and hug.... not as a passing gesture, but really hug and hug for long, past the awkwardness and into love, compassion and being one with all of existence.

... and the world goes round and round...

Martina WinnemoellerComment

The world is turning and this is the problem of humankind. They cannot or won't adapt and keep on creating events that manipulate this process, If even by changing the speed of rotation by a nanosecond. Where is the flow? Where is the synchronization with nature? What is it that it is so hard for us to just go with it and further our creative juices to pulse through our bodies in a natural positive flow? Why do we not listen, not see what is going on? The birds do it, the bees do it and we just can't? Or is this merely the transition and one must be patient? For the past eons we had been ticking a certain way and maybe, by being kind and compassionate instead of beating ourselves up about it we could send out love instead of anger and frustration. Maybe this is what the problem had been all along? We have learned over the past decades that it is much more beneficial for learning to occur by creating living examples, by supporting and awarding good behavior instead of punishing the bad one. By being angry at all the bad and sending this aggression out into the world and toward the unfair, bad or cruel situation, do we not punish this behavior and further fuel the lower consciousness? How can we expect our children of the world, no matter their age, to follow the good example if we don't provide them with just this? How can they learn love, compassion, forgiveness and respect for every living organism if we don't show them what love feels like, how freeing and truly wonderful compassion and forgiveness are? Instead of teaching everyone how to expand and invite love, we keep on almost forcing them to contract with fear. The denser one becomes, the less love can penetrate and the more we become like wounded animals that are being pushed into a corner by our expectations. How can we expect them not to lash out at everyone coming too close?


Today, let us teach all humankind the wonderful lessons of love, life and a new beginning for the world as we knew it to transform into oneness for all


Trust and the gift it offers...

Martina Winnemoeller2 Comments

Trust, a fearful task for some and a way of nature for others. Trust, the most magnificent gift we can ever give to ourselves. Trust, my life is well and I am good. Remember the time as a little child when you started walking on top of a table and just walked on? Someone caught you and you were safe. Knowing that you are doing the best that you can at the time, stand up for yourself and with that I mean your true self, your dreams and your hopes will always be rewarded with success. Life loves us finding our true path, it loves us full stop. When we choose this path, there might be destruction along the way, but rest assured, this destruction is the breaking down of your own wall of limitations, the breaking down of jobs or friendships that no longer serve you. When walls break down you can choose to look a foot ahead, be devastated or you can choose to look beyond, through the cracks and might be amazed by what lies behind. Now take that step, walk beyond the wall and find yourself the truly wonderful, gifted person that you are with all the possibilities that life has to offer at your feet. Trust, take that step beyond the limitations of the table and be caught and safe by the beautiful life that is yours

Love, life, fear and the stock market...

Martina Winnemoeller1 Comment

Love is life and life is love. It is really that simple. The two opposites are basically fear and love. Life is what you invest in it and you choose every minute in it. Will you invest in stocks of love? You can be assured that these just keep on growing, re-invest and they will quadruple, re-invest again and all your needs, desires and wants are taken care of. The tricky thing however is that, as with stocks, you don't always know the outcome. One thing you can however be sure of is that whatever happens and however it turns out, it will ultimately be for your highest best purpose. It might lead you through hard times as you face your fears and then, when you might believe all conspires against you... puff... and hindsight leaves you in awe of the beauty, simplicity and loving commitment that always guides you to a better, more insightful and more balanced place. When you invest in love, in trust, in faith that you deserve only the best of what there is you will reap exactly this. Furthermore, miraculously your stocks that were previously invested in fear will start to drop rapidly, you lose interest in them as they no longer hold any value, you start imagining beyond anything you could ever have dreamed of and realize yourself as the magnificent, bright and awesome person that you truly are. When you love and treat others with compassion your world in its entirety becomes calm and peaceful. Isn't it funny how we all just want to be seen, appreciated and loved and yet too often our thought surrounding us or others, our behavior towards us and others reflects only too often the opposite? Be kind to yourself, realize that we are all but trying our very best with the resources we have at our disposal at the time that we are and realize that we all sit in the same boat. Fear diminishes love, compassion and kindness. Love diminishes fear and leads us to a place where everything is possible. All of your dreams are heard and the universe conspires to realize them. So go on out there and dream the most magnificent dream you can imagine :-)

The flow of life....

Martina WinnemoellerComment

What a wondrous, beautiful day it is. The skies are blue and the birds twitching away. In the far distance a stream is making its way through the surface of the world like it has done for eons and no one can disturb this flow. If one attempts to it will not stop the flow, but the water will find other avenues and may at times overflow and cause destruction. If one attempts to stop the flow however, pressure builds up and there is a constant threat to burst and explode. Water will not be tamed. Stopping water is stopping the natural flow of life. If it becomes stagnant it perishes, but if it flows it gives life, it cleanses and balances. Why then do we want to go against nature? Have we not learned our lessons? Everything that is, is in perfect harmony. If this harmony is disturbed there is no telling what will happen and this just spreads the fear of the future. Everything that is, is supposed to be. So why swim against the flow? Why try to stop the flow and become stagnant? Why destroy the flow and thus destroy life? Why is it that the need for power and greed are so irresistible that we are willing to harm the future of our children? Why not learn from nature and live a life full of wonder, of harmony and just swim with the flow? Be conscious and trust that life is constant and life with all that is entails is here to support us? Don’t give in to your fears, learn that nothing that happens is there to spitefully teach you a lesson, but instead lovingly tries to fee you from your limitations? Yes, this is a wondrous day, a beautiful one and I will go with the flow, the flow of life, the flow of letting go, letting go of all that no longer serves me and embrace this day. I am excited to see what it has in stall for me and am happy to embrace it. Life supports me 100% and I am grateful to drift in its flow.

Mother Earth and the game of life...

Martina WinnemoellerComment

And the Oscar goes to... Mother Earth!!! Not for her performance, but for being herself, for keeping her integrity at all times. She is not pretending to be anything and always true to her nature. it is amazing to see how powerful she is. How she cleanses herself and how much love and care she can give. Devastating at times for us, but if we were to look at the bigger picture she is at all times integer. How wonderful this day is. How pretty the roses and all the gardens, even the desert has its powerful moments. The clouds in the sky, the people and animals on the ground. No one knows exactly what is about to happen. No, no one suspects that this will be the day that changes everything. Not for everyone, but for me. I am sitting here, contemplating about life and I am not really sure where to go from here. Left? Right? Straight forward? We are all actors in this thing called life. The true question is: how well can we play it?

Take responsibility... one moment at a time...

Martina Winnemoeller2 Comments

Good morning to you all. This is a special broadcast to inform all of you that the world as we know it is ending. There have been too many wars, too many injustices on the innocent and this is stopping right now. You know what to do. You know who you are and what is necessary. Stop lying to yourself and get into action mode. Stop procrastinating!

This is not a warning and no, your life per se is not in danger, but on a certain level it is. You know enough about what’s going on to move forward, reach into the depths of your heart, you inner wisdom and use the resources available to you to start the healing process!! Start with loving yourself and feel how this will open yourself up to love everyone. Practice forgiveness!! Start with yourself and work yourself up to everyone that you know of... focus on the people who might have wronged you and start forgiving their souls and begin to feel love for them.

The only way to stop this hatred, this shameful way of living is by loving everyone, forgiving everyone!! By finding yourself in a place of forgiveness you will not only heal yourself, but those around you as well. Ask yourself: if I can feed the butterfly flapping its wings love instead of hate, would there be a wave of people coming together, helping each other out and caring truly for mother nature or will there be a hurricane, tsunami, people filled with anger being only concerned about themselves?

Which scenario do you prefer? I, for one, will choose love. This however means that the time is now; the time is ripe for change, it’s time to start taking action and take responsibility!! Stand tall and face your fears!! Release them and fill them in turn with love and forgiveness or otherwise they will end up on someone else' plate. Take care of your body, yourself and start the work. Expand your awareness and thus your consciousness and let the waves of love calm everything down. Let people be filled with an eagerness to serve the next one and let this awareness break down the barriers of hate break down the fear that imprisons most of you. By stepping beyond yourself you feel what an impact you truly make on everyone else. So come on, take that step, take responsibility and start changing the world as we know it... for the better... one moment at a time... with love.

You are never alone....

Martina Winnemoeller2 Comments

So, sitting here all alone I wonder, wonder if the world itself also has moments like this. I am talking about mother earth. No, she is not and I am not either. Even in moments of solidity one is never alone. There is always someone who cares and in these moments the richness of thoughts is or can be overwhelming on a more subconscious level.

There is a constant dialogue going on, or there is music playing. It is strange to imagine what would prompt the subconscious to select a certain song from its library. Especially considering the fact, at least on a very aware level, there has been none playing outside the head for a time. The brain, the spirit are wondrous things. All is so connected, at least for some people, no, actually for all of us, yet it is difficult to see the interconnectedness. It is hard for us to communicate with the entire system and reach all parts and thus, if a problem arises, it is often impossible to find the true cause of it as the source, let it be a construct, a memory, some drive, is often hidden away in some distant corner and often enough our own conditioning has been a busy bee and successfully built a wall or bricked over the door. Only with true love, compassion and in a ways cleaning up the road leading to this very door is there a chance that we may access this 'unknown' territory. Only if we can rid ourselves of any fear or guilt and are kind to ourselves might we, over time, be given the key or combination to the door. It is often stunning to realize what lies behind. Often a scared earlier version of ourselves and we need to embrace this one no matter what happened, what horrible things we have done to us or others. We need to hold tight until the tears roll and wholeheartedly forgive. Forgiveness can only happen in an atmosphere of love and compassion as without them we might not understand, understand that we all are but trapped in our little box. For some the box expands to the size of the universe and beyond, but for others their box can hardly hold the prima ballerina shoes of a three year old.

Believe in your dreams...

Martina Winnemoeller1 Comment

So there I’m, sitting on the leather chair and looking outside. It's raining and the sun has not shown its face for a long time, but that's ok as all the things happening and my family is good, healthy and happy. The rain actually brings life and one must not forget that in the long haul.

Why is all this happening? Only god and the angels know and I am confident it’s all for the better. My husband is sick, but it’s a flu and the kids are getting over theirs soon enough. One must be sick to be stronger once in a while. So this is how it’s gonna be and we are looking forward to our trip to west Australia. The Aborigines are friendly but also very private people and we are happy to live with them for a while and see if we can pick up a tuning or two from them to help us appreciate this great mother earth a little bit longer. Oh dear, we are holding on to life as if there was no tomorrow, but there is and that’s the great thing about it.

Little Jake and Tom are too inquisitive and I love them dearly. Juan is loving his job so much more now that he worked from home and able to also enjoy the little ones a bit more. Wow, he is so good looking and I’m loving my home and my job as well.

Back in the days in Cape Town I could only ever dream of the life we are living at the moment and I'm so happy that he came, held my hands and told me that he has arrived and found me finally. He had travelled the world on the search for me or so he later realized as it was a seemingly aimless search that left him angry and empty every time he returned. Once he saw me he realized what he had been searching for and was happy and calm and over the moon.

We love each other so much and I am grateful to be giving the chance to walk this planet with him. Funny actually that we had been together before so many lives and universes that we cannot count each and every one any longer. We have met many light years ago on an ancient planet and then and there just knew it. We are so connected that in each and every life we will recognize each other and be grateful for yet another chance to be together. He is so full of life and laughter and is helping me to be who I am supposed to be. Funny, happy and laughing out loud a lot. Through his energy my healing therapy has taken on another dimension all on its own... what I never felt before or heard, saw, is now second nature. We meditate together and that is also how he found me... I meditated one day and asked to be able to speak to him. I told him how much I loved him and that I’m working hard on getting to where I needed to be in order for us to finally meet. He said he'd wait forever, but was really longing for me to start the life he'd created years ago for us and that he was happy we could connect in the meantime like this and talk and share what we've been up to up to now.. our fears and ambitions and what is generally happening in our lives.

We are one and always will be, that's why this is so fantastic. He always loved me and always will and in all the lives we found each other and that was that. We were always lovers besides once, when I was his little kid. Oh my dear love, how much I am looking forward to seeing and being with you, you cannot imagine. I am telling you that we are planning so many great things and that our lives, despite some work, will always be happy as we love and respect each other. I am really soon to be with you and so so love you, my little honey bunny!!

Intention is all that matters... finding your inner voice

Martina Winnemoeller2 Comments

I have found that if I am stuck in some way, need to let go of something, need to explore what the next step is the best way to achieve this is by automatic writing.

It is such a simple way to invite creativity back into our lives and get the answers we seek.

Just sit down, set the intention on what it is that you would like to achieve, set out the amount of pages you would like to fill and then just start writing... write every thought that is in your mind without judgment and keep on writing. If you are stuck and don't know what to write as your mind might be full of "what should I write", then do just that... write "what should I write, what should I write, what should I write..." until there is another thought that pops into your mind.

I have used this technique to let my creativity flow, to let go of all the voices in our heads that tell us what to do or not to do (society is a biggie); I have used it when needing an answer to a question that I just could not put my mind around. 

When you practice automatic writing it becomes a flow... you write a question and automatically you inner guidance takes over and it will be as if you are reading a book whilst writing it, not sure what the next sentence is until it pours out of you.

If your intention is to let something go, don't judge, don't engage and don't re-read. You want to let it go and not keep on entertaining it.

To illustrate, I will post stories I have written with the intention of letting my creativity flow and this is what came out of it...