living your best life

Take responsibility... one moment at a time...

Martina Winnemoeller2 Comments

Good morning to you all. This is a special broadcast to inform all of you that the world as we know it is ending. There have been too many wars, too many injustices on the innocent and this is stopping right now. You know what to do. You know who you are and what is necessary. Stop lying to yourself and get into action mode. Stop procrastinating!

This is not a warning and no, your life per se is not in danger, but on a certain level it is. You know enough about what’s going on to move forward, reach into the depths of your heart, you inner wisdom and use the resources available to you to start the healing process!! Start with loving yourself and feel how this will open yourself up to love everyone. Practice forgiveness!! Start with yourself and work yourself up to everyone that you know of... focus on the people who might have wronged you and start forgiving their souls and begin to feel love for them.

The only way to stop this hatred, this shameful way of living is by loving everyone, forgiving everyone!! By finding yourself in a place of forgiveness you will not only heal yourself, but those around you as well. Ask yourself: if I can feed the butterfly flapping its wings love instead of hate, would there be a wave of people coming together, helping each other out and caring truly for mother nature or will there be a hurricane, tsunami, people filled with anger being only concerned about themselves?

Which scenario do you prefer? I, for one, will choose love. This however means that the time is now; the time is ripe for change, it’s time to start taking action and take responsibility!! Stand tall and face your fears!! Release them and fill them in turn with love and forgiveness or otherwise they will end up on someone else' plate. Take care of your body, yourself and start the work. Expand your awareness and thus your consciousness and let the waves of love calm everything down. Let people be filled with an eagerness to serve the next one and let this awareness break down the barriers of hate break down the fear that imprisons most of you. By stepping beyond yourself you feel what an impact you truly make on everyone else. So come on, take that step, take responsibility and start changing the world as we know it... for the better... one moment at a time... with love.