living your best life

Love, life, fear and the stock market...

Martina Winnemoeller1 Comment

Love is life and life is love. It is really that simple. The two opposites are basically fear and love. Life is what you invest in it and you choose every minute in it. Will you invest in stocks of love? You can be assured that these just keep on growing, re-invest and they will quadruple, re-invest again and all your needs, desires and wants are taken care of. The tricky thing however is that, as with stocks, you don't always know the outcome. One thing you can however be sure of is that whatever happens and however it turns out, it will ultimately be for your highest best purpose. It might lead you through hard times as you face your fears and then, when you might believe all conspires against you... puff... and hindsight leaves you in awe of the beauty, simplicity and loving commitment that always guides you to a better, more insightful and more balanced place. When you invest in love, in trust, in faith that you deserve only the best of what there is you will reap exactly this. Furthermore, miraculously your stocks that were previously invested in fear will start to drop rapidly, you lose interest in them as they no longer hold any value, you start imagining beyond anything you could ever have dreamed of and realize yourself as the magnificent, bright and awesome person that you truly are. When you love and treat others with compassion your world in its entirety becomes calm and peaceful. Isn't it funny how we all just want to be seen, appreciated and loved and yet too often our thought surrounding us or others, our behavior towards us and others reflects only too often the opposite? Be kind to yourself, realize that we are all but trying our very best with the resources we have at our disposal at the time that we are and realize that we all sit in the same boat. Fear diminishes love, compassion and kindness. Love diminishes fear and leads us to a place where everything is possible. All of your dreams are heard and the universe conspires to realize them. So go on out there and dream the most magnificent dream you can imagine :-)