living your best life

Trust and the gift it offers...

Martina Winnemoeller2 Comments

Trust, a fearful task for some and a way of nature for others. Trust, the most magnificent gift we can ever give to ourselves. Trust, my life is well and I am good. Remember the time as a little child when you started walking on top of a table and just walked on? Someone caught you and you were safe. Knowing that you are doing the best that you can at the time, stand up for yourself and with that I mean your true self, your dreams and your hopes will always be rewarded with success. Life loves us finding our true path, it loves us full stop. When we choose this path, there might be destruction along the way, but rest assured, this destruction is the breaking down of your own wall of limitations, the breaking down of jobs or friendships that no longer serve you. When walls break down you can choose to look a foot ahead, be devastated or you can choose to look beyond, through the cracks and might be amazed by what lies behind. Now take that step, walk beyond the wall and find yourself the truly wonderful, gifted person that you are with all the possibilities that life has to offer at your feet. Trust, take that step beyond the limitations of the table and be caught and safe by the beautiful life that is yours