living your best life

Our emotions affect our way of thinking and impact on our physical body. This I am sure every one of you has experienced in one way or another. In times of high emotional stress we cannot think clearly and our body leaves us feeling tired. The effect of suppressing one’s emotions however goes far deeper than this. Not to get too technical now, let me draw you a quick picture: when we feel an emotion of any sorts there are these little informers called neural-peptides which browse through our body and let it know what’s going on. These are transported from cell to cell via the cell receptors and thus store the present emotion in each cell.

When we let go of any negative emotion and replace it with acceptance, compassion, forgiveness or similar, the peptides are being released and we are back in a place of peace and harmony. If we however are conditioned by ourselves or others that it is ‘wrong’ to feel certain emotions and need to suppress them or are consumed by them they will stay trapped in certain cells. Each cell at a specific time will replicate with the information it holds at the time, thus able to be modified for illness or health.

The emotional release therapy will bring you back in touch with all of your emotions, guide and help you through (not re-live!) any traumatic memory held in your cells, empower you with resources you did not have at the given time and help you to forgive, let go and release any negative emotions. This in turn will re-create the cells ability to reproduce in a healthy way and heal the dis-ease and / or mental reaction to the situation or issue at hand.

Free yourself of emotional limitations now

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