living your best life

You know that feeling of walking into a room, house, apartment and being at ease, at home or just terribly uncomfortable?  What you are feeling is the energy in the place. When we move out or in and in between we regularly clean our place on the physical level as this is clear to our eyes… the dust piling up.

We all however also leave non-physical footprints wherever we go. It can be compared to a carbon footprint on an energetic level. We can’t see it, yet on a very physical level feel it. I have recently spoken to someone who walked into an office where a lot of people had to be let go and he mentioned that the entire building felt depressing. Maybe you have experienced having visitors recently and once they left had the need to re-claim your own home? Had a huge fight and still feel it lingering?

This is exactly what stuck energy feels like and a proper space cleansing in conjunction with physical cleaning and de-cluttering will make a world of difference. It will restore the sense of balance, safety and being home, taking off your shoes and feeling comfortable in your own or new space.

Reclaim your home now

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